- Emilee looks like a adorable seftufd marshmallow in Noah's TWD gear! Are you guys gonna sign her up too when she is bit older? You should! I've always wanted to learn TWD and as a girl, I think it's worth it. Esp. knowing how cute she is you are in trouble aka teen years when all the boys will be chasing her. Plus, she has her mom's gene and you know how popular your wife was! As for the weather man, we need some of the CO weather here in So. Cal since it's 95 degrees here. *eek* Being pregnant in a hot weather is not fun and on top of that we have the nasty Santa Ana wind so we are covered in dust. *sigh* I want to experience the nice brisk fall weather of Colorado Mountains. J
- I'm really exeticd!!! We enjoyed our time with you, and are so tickled to have professional pictures with our sweet baby Sophie. Thank you for the kind comments, and we can't wait to see all of the pictures.